Photographier des arbres, des fleurs en toutes saisons, des oiseaux et des animaux domestiques, le soleil et la lune, de beaux endroits, des terrains de sport, des bâtiments modernes et anciens, et partout et tout dans ma ville, la ville de Banyuleh, la ville de mon amour.
推荐力度4 👍👍👍👍👍🏻 行走难度2 👍👍👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 《光明山上浅参禅》 点一盏心灵之光,上山瞻仰佛门圣地,以开放的态度,轻解佛法,怀念老和尚的虚谷功德。 2022年10月22日星期六
Sports can help to improve body fitness and maintain healthy weight.
Luna's paintings are generally described as being vigorous and dramatic. With its elements of Romanticism, his style shows the influence of Delacroix, Rembrandt, and Daumier.
Politics During the ancient Mesopotamian period, each city-state had its own ruler. The king-priest of the city-state has a dual duty acting as head of the Royal and Military to protect their territory and people, and at the same time he performs the priestly duties by maintaining the temple and mediator between god and the people. It was only during the later mesopotamian history wherein this two roles of king-priest was divided.
This MUSEUM show about the paintings of the different painters.
When you open your third eye and raise your perception beyond it's physical realm your always gonna be bliss
NFT exhibition of works from the Emanuel's Universe collection.
Hindu devotees brought the idol of goddess Durga on Patenga beach in Chittagong on Wednesday, the last day of the five-day festival, for immersion in the bay of bangal
Un viaje hacia de ida hacia la mente del artista