Arte - Virtual Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly do you provide ? A website , video or a virtual game?

We provide mobile applications and a website. The user sets up the virtual art exhibition with the mobile application. At this point, the user can view a 3D exhibition and move around like a virtual game. For a lifesize 360° view, use econokical smart phone based headset similar to cardboard. The application supports the use fo controllers to navigate.

Publish the exhibition to make it accesible by others. Art enthusiasts can view exhibition using mobile application or website. A searchable webpage is available for each public exhibition.

One setup will give you

  1. 3D exhibitions accessible using mobile and web.
  2. A VR exhibition using smartphone based headsets
  3. Online gallery searchable using search engines.
  4. How Immersive Virtual Art Gallery Works?

Online Art Gallery, 3D Art Gallery and Immersive Art Gallery - Are these same or different?

In an Online Art Gallery, users access images of the paintings and information using a web browser. Web browsers can be on desktop or mobile. An Online art gallery helps to reach customers across the globe. Unknown users can find the website using search engines. Thanks to these online websites, the online sale of artworks is increasing. The screen size of the device limits the size of the artwork display. The actual dimension of the painting is difficult to gauge.

A 3D Art Gallery displays the paintings in a 3D virtual space. You can view these using a web browser or VR headset connected to a desktop. A 3D view lets users view artwork from different angles. Many 3D galleries allow the ambiance to match the home or office setup. Viewers also get the benefit of relative dimensions in the gallery.

An immersive Art Gallery or a VR-enabled exhibition gives a lifesize 360-degree view using a VR headset and a controller. There are multiple means of utilizing different types of VR headsets. VR headset availability among internet users is low. As 3D galleries can not be indexed using search engines, it is hard to discover 3D galleries on the internet. A VR exhibition helps in places where VR headset is available. It's an aid to extend display during physical exhibitions.

Who can use this solution?

Can people buy art from this solution?

There is no option to buy art from inside the application. Users can list the price of the artwork. Potential buyers can directly interact with the person hosting the exhibition without agents. The monetary transaction is done outside the mobile app.

Is internet required for this solution ?

The mobile application works with or without the internet. The user can set up an exhibition and view it on the premise of a virtual reality exhibition using headsets. Internet is required to share the virtual exhibition with others.

Do we need to capture a video of your gallery?

No, we don't need to come to your premises. Either we use a preexisting gallery or we create models based on pictures and floorplan shared by you. However, having already available videos or google street view can be utilized while creating the model.