About Exhibition

I have been advocating for safe and clean water for all since 2017. With this global climate change I choose to take up a space in sensitizing the world about what an average person in my community is going through. Water is still a very scarce commodity in our communities when in fact it is supposed to be a right. Access to clean and safe water for all is a human right yet many people move distance to just enjoy that right.As an impressionist and abstract artist I put out this message through my art, color is at the core of my creativity. The beauty of color and African cultures is also my area of interest. In my work you will see people fetching water with buckets on their head. But in a very abstract which makes my work to have my distinctive signature.

Artwork: Women in Water Crisis

Women in Water Crisis

81 x 108 cm

2024 • Acrylic on canvas

Three women fetching water for the family

950 USD

Artwork: Thirsty


81 x 91.45 cm

• Acrylic on canvas

Man drinking water directly from the river

650 USD

Artwork: Women in Water Crisis

Women in Water Crisis

81 x 60.75 cm

2024 • Acrylic on canvas

Two women and a child on the back from the river

950 USD

Artwork: Dinner in the making

Dinner in the making

81 x 81 cm

2022 • Acrylic on canvas

Women from the river as they end the day with fetching water in preparation for dinner.

3000 USD

Artwork: Beauties in Water Crisis

Beauties in Water Crisis

81 x 83.6 cm

2023 • Acrylic on canvas

With the application of cubism, water Crisis continues.

850 USD

Artwork: fetching for the family

fetching for the family

81 x 62.45 cm

2024 • Acrylic on canvas

A lady fetching water for the family.

950 USD

Artwork: Thirsty


81 x 72.52 cm

2023 • Acrylic on canvas

600 USD

Artwork: Nalikwanda


81 x 126.29 cm

2024 • Acrylic on canvas

The Nalikwanda is a traditional huge boat which is used to c ross the river by the Lozi people of Zambia. It is a well celebrated traditional ceremony by different people from a walks of life coming to witness this beautiful sight.

2000 USD

Artwork: girl with a bucket of water

girl with a bucket of water

81 x 60.75 cm

2024 • Acrylic on canvas

A young girl carrying a big bucket of water for the family.A girl in water Crisis

950 USD

Artwork: Fatherhood


81 x 60.75 cm

2024 • Acrylic on canvas

A man with containers of water on a bicycle distance signifying a distance journey in search of water.

1200 USD