About Exhibition

The exhibition will feature works by grade 11 students who were exploring topic 'African culture' whom were influenced by the artist called Jabulani Cele from Durban Inanda.

Artwork: Inappropriate


81 x 62.64 cm

2023 • Black ink on paper

The use of the microphone and the heart represents the muted voices of South African citizens whose voices have been silenced by the country's politicians. In this country, people are afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs or positions in their places of employment.

1800 ZAR

Artwork: Suffering


81 x 60.85 cm

• Digital

Artwork: Revolutionary leader

Revolutionary leader

81 x 59.46 cm

2023 • Digital

My topic is a critique of the ANC leader's performance in South Africa. I'm wondering why things are so difficult in this nation when politicians are upending everything. Nelson didn't struggle for everyone to be treated equally and to share everything in a diverse yet cohesive nation. Different patterns and textures are employed in my work. Ink on paper has been used as the medium.

Artwork: Enjoyment


81 x 55.36 cm

2023 • Digital

My research focuses on the happenings of privileged residents of South Africa's towns and cities. I looked into the private lives of the wealthy and affluent in this country. During my research, I learned a lot about wealthy people, including the fact that some of them own businesses that compete in public competitions and that in their joint ventures, they split the proceeds between the government distributor and the private owner. instead of meeting the inhabitants of South Africa's needs.

Artwork: Political leaders

Political leaders

81 x 56.99 cm

2023 • Digital

In my writing, I discuss how South Africa's political leaders, particularly in the townships and rural areas, are destroying the nation. I employed black ink on paper as the medium in this artwork since it works better for me and it also aids in capturing the mood.

Artwork: Society interconnected

Society interconnected

81 x 55.76 cm

2023 • Black ink on paper

In this work of art, the cultural connections between African and Western traditions are discussed. Due to the strong and instinctive elements that Western culture produces for African generation, African culture is persuaded by it. Finding everything that is affecting African nations makes me want to create artworks that will educate the next generation of Africans about losing their culture and beliefs. Liquid on board has been used as the medium.

Artwork: Ikhaya


81 x 58.16 cm

2023 • Digital

I was inspired to produce my work by the work of visual artist Jabulani Cele. I am examining the value of practicing your culture as a person regardless of where you are from. Above the woman's portrait, I drew hay rooms. I advise using ink on paper because it is quick and easy.

Artwork: Considering


81 x 58.25 cm

2023 • Digital

This piece examines a nation that its authorities ignore. This nation has transformed into some kind weird  society where the authorities destroy national resources and make it difficult for future generations to occupy the area and live there as they once did. In paper, I employed a variety of media, including blue and black ink.

Artwork: Formality


81 x 53.2 cm

2023 • Digital

The work of art explores the logical behavior of African cultures. Some cultures, however, unintentionally embrace the life of other cultures while leaving behind their own. The unconsciousness of those who are progressively losing their formal cultural unaware is being expressed in my art. I did employing ink on paper. Stylized approach is being implemented.

Artwork: Maginalized perceptions

Maginalized perceptions

81 x 52.65 cm

2023 • Digital

In this country, the younger generation is silent, unable to speak up, and has distorted thinking, which is why I used distorted style in this work of art. The artwork indicates with regard to the deprivation of African people. Africans who are impoverished are deemed as trivial by those with high standards of living.

Artwork: Constraints generation

Constraints generation

81 x 61.25 cm

• Digital

This work highlights the lives of South Africans and how their leaders treat them. Ropes are used as symbols of how unfairly the politicians of our nation treat South African citizens. The use of children in the picture suggest that teenagers are those most significantly affected.

Artwork: Restoration of dignity

Restoration of dignity

81 x 52.51 cm

2023 • Digital

My art expresses the necessity for Africans to reclaim their dignity, despite the length of time that has passed, especially for those who have lost loved ones to drug use or who still use today. Therefore, this work is investigating and tries to properly bring those important aspects of being an African.

Artwork: Shackes


81 x 56.51 cm

• Digital

This is speaks about how people are suffering in South africa. It questioning the use of councils in the township, if people are living in the shackes for the long period

Artwork: Look back for once

Look back for once

81 x 55.64 cm

• Digital

My work is influenced by the fine art of Jabulani Cele, who employs a variety of topics based on domestic African cultural and societal issues. Here's a picture of a Western man who allegedly stole millions of rand in South Africa by working with a security firm and a government-affiliated company to pass off the stolen funds as legal tender. Therefore, these government officials don't look back and consider how to aid the country's suffering unemployed people. I used Paper and ink as the materials.

Artwork: Fragile


81 x 52.59 cm

2023 • Digital

This piece criticizes the use of color as a symbol of cultural diversity in South Africa. This nation's diverse cultures coexist in certain places, while in others they don't, which has resulted in conflicts. I used crayons on paper.