About Exhibition

The exhibition "Mi sentir optico" by the artist Analia de Luca is the result of a construction and artistic production process based on the sensation of an image, capturing it in a pictorial way with an explosion of color and matter, to later transform it digitally and thus transmit through different communicative and expressive channels the evolution of the work to the optical feeling of the viewer. La muestra "Mi sentir optico"de la artista Analia de Luca es el resultado de un proceso de construcción y produccion artístico basado en la sensación de una imagen, plasmandola de forma pictorica con explosión de color y materia ,para luego tranformarlo digitalmente y así trasmitir atravez de distintos canales comunicativos y expresivos la evolución de la obra hasta el sentir óptico del espectador.

Artwork: Fuerza


120 x 94.88 cm

• digital art

1200 USD

Artwork: Lucha


100 x 72.72 cm

• digital art

900 USD

Artwork: Lazos


70 x 101.67 cm

• digital art

950 USD

Artwork: Rigidez


80 x 67.74 cm

• digital art

850 USD

Artwork: Vida


90 x 68.78 cm

• digital art

1000 USD

Artwork: Amor


80 x 60.15 cm

• digital art

800 USD

Artwork: Espera


100 x 76.17 cm

• digital art

900 USD

Artwork: Templanza


80 x 67.04 cm

• digital art

900 USD

Artwork: Amistad


70 x 92.65 cm

• digital art

900 USD

Artwork: Encierro


100 x 88.29 cm

digital art

950 USD