About Exhibition

the energy works the healing begins, created painted pictures

Artwork: the healing has begun

the healing has begun

81 x 48.22 cm

2024 • Digital

Paindet and edited

Artwork: healing 2024

healing 2024

81 x 46.82 cm

2024 • Digital

Paindet and edited

Artwork: Heilungsprozess Energie

Heilungsprozess Energie

81 x 47.01 cm

2024 • Digital

Paindet and edited

Artwork: you will be healed

you will be healed

81 x 46.58 cm

2024 • Digital

Paindet and edited

Artwork: you will be healed

you will be healed

81 x 46.58 cm

2024 • Digital

Paindet and edited

Artwork: Die Heilung hat begonnen

Die Heilung hat begonnen

81 x 46.79 cm

2024 • Digital

gemalt und bearbeitet

Artwork: the healing has begun

the healing has begun

81 x 46.9 cm

2024 • Digital

Paindet and edited

Artwork: Du wirst geheilt

Du wirst geheilt

81 x 46.93 cm

2024 • Digital

gemalt und bearbeite