About Exhibition

Photography encourages you to observe the world with a keen eye, noticing details and moments that might otherwise go unnoticed. This practice of mindful observation can enhance your ability to appreciate the beauty in everyday life and cultivate a greater sense of gratitude for the world around you.

Artwork: Autumn Dream

Autumn Dream

Lyn jennings

81 x 121.5 cm

2024 • Photography

25 GBP

Artwork: Heart


Lyn jennings

100 x 40 cm

50 GBP

Artwork: In the field

In the field

Lyn jennings

60 x 100 cm

60 GBP

Artwork: Dreaming of Home

Dreaming of Home

Lyn jennings

81 x 121.51 cm

2024 • Photography

25 GBP

Artwork: Stone


Lyn jennings

100 x 40 cm

50 GBP

Artwork: Remembering


Lyn jennings

81 x 121.5 cm

2024 • Photography

25 GBP

Artwork: Over The Rainbow

Over The Rainbow

Lyn jennings

81 x 144.17 cm

2024 • Photography

25 GBP

Artwork: Sunlight dream

Sunlight dream

Lyn jennings

81 x 121.49 cm

2024 • Photography

25 GBP

Artwork: Reflecting


Lyn jennings

81 x 104.54 cm

2024 • Photography

25 GBP

Artwork: Shades of grey

Shades of grey

Lyn jennings

81 x 121.5 cm

2024 • Photography

25 GBP