About Exhibition

Abstract acrylic vibrating colors

Artwork: vacation


80 x 100 cm

2023 • acrylic

Had My first week of vacation and this is what came from it, love it myself.

5000 SEK

Artwork: Format


100 x 70 cm

2021 • Acrylic

Alot of emotions in this painting, i felt hate anger and love all mixed up.

5000 SEK

Artwork: Movement II

Movement II

100 x 80 cm

2021 • Acrylic

A painting in Pollock style, action painting.

5000 SEK

Artwork: Wifi


80 x 60 cm

2023 • Acrylic

Wifi is all over the world.

4000 SEK

Artwork: Dance


80 x 100 cm

2022 • Acrylic

4000 SEK

Artwork: Kissing the Sky

Kissing the Sky

100 x 70 cm

2022 • Acrylic

5000 SEK

Artwork: Chiliplant


100 x 70 cm

2023 • acrylic

Had a picture of a real Chiliplant and this is what came out from my abstract mind.

4000 SEK

Artwork: Flight


70 x 100 cm

2023 • Acrylic

what i see in this painting is a flying dragon.

4000 SEK

Artwork: Hotrod


100 x 70 cm

2022 • Acrylic

Action in the painting, like a Hotrod driving.

5000 SEK

Artwork: Jazz


100 x 70 cm

2021 • acrylic

I see notes and music in this painting, was listen to Jazz when i did it.

4000 SEK

Artwork: Duck


50 x 70 cm

2021 • Acrylic


2500 SEK

Artwork: Aquarium


60 x 50 cm

2022 • Acrylic

Fish and plants in a Aquarium is what i see.

3000 SEK

Artwork: Temperature Raising

Temperature Raising

100 x 70 cm

2023 • Acrylic

Felt the first heat in the summer.

4000 SEK

Artwork: Feeling good

Feeling good

100 x 60 cm

2023 • Acrylic

Had the emotion feeling good through the whole painting, therefore that name.

4000 SEK

Artwork: Proud


70 x 50 cm

2022 • Acrylic

2500 SEK

Artwork: Garden


100 x 70 cm

2023 • Acrylic

Stood in our garden and this is what i saw, always abstract.

4000 SEK

Artwork: No Squares

No Squares

100 x 160 cm

2020 • Acrylic

Square meaning Unexciting, unadventurous, mainstream or dull. Generally used in describing a person with such attributes or who plays it safe. Therefor Ni Squares. cause this isnt save or dull.

5000 SEK

Artwork: New beginning

New beginning

80 x 100 cm

2023 • Acrylic

Needed to try something new, but did something ive done before.

5000 SEK

Artwork: Im not crazy

Im not crazy

70 x 50 cm

2022 • Acrylic

its true, im not crazy. 🤔

2000 SEK

Artwork: Solar Eruption

Solar Eruption

109 x 45 cm

2021 • Acrylic on OSB board

Action painting

2500 SEK